Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Holidays are about food.

I think December, is the month that gives every one a reason to bake and cook delicious meals. There's like a billion of food pins, and well food gift ideas. Food gifts, next to money are probably the best gifts anyone can give.

Every one likes food right? I don't think I've ever heard any one turn down food gifts. Well, they probably get re gifted to some one else due to diet or there's allergens in it. Either way, I think people enjoy eating them just as much as they enjoy making them.

Recently, I was contacted by one of the local newspaper via instagram, asking if they could feature some of my food shots in their Gastropost section. I was thrilled at first, then I was uncertain. I do not have the greatest photography skills, nor do I have the artistic eye to take or make food look good. I went ahead and joined any ways.

From what I gather, Gastroposting is a section for local foodies to share their food pictures or food porn if you prefer. They have a Twitter feed, instagram account and a Tumblr. They post more of the food pictures on their Twitter feed and Tumblr. Instagram is left for posting the weekly missions. This week's mission, continuing the holiday theme, was "the gift of food." I like baking, so my boyfriend and I decided to spend one day to bake cake pops, and give them to people with their gifts. I also wanted to make some peppermint candy cane white chocolate cookies, so I thought I'd make them too.

My boyfriend had a bad start to his day, so I thought I should make him some cookies and deliver it to his work place. I couldn't find the recipe my cousin had, to make the peppermint candy cane white chocolate cookies; so I ended up making a different completely different.

  I had lots of problems during the process of making these cookies. I had a bag of brown sugar sitting around the house, however they have hardened. The slice of bread in the bag trick wasn't going soften them instantly. I tried the microwave method, with a moist  paper towel. That helped, a bit. I got impatient because it was a VERY large piece of brown sugar that was VERY dry. Some of these cookies has huge pieces of brown sugar in them. I think people who end up with those pieces will think it's too sweet and not want another piece. I don't blame them though. That's what I get for being lazy.

The outcome of these cookies were good. I had one, I thought there wasn't enough white chocolate chips. The recipe called for 1 cup, I felt I should of dumped the entire bag of white chocolate chips in there, or just use another brand with bigger chips. I also didn't like it. I thought there could of been more peppermint taste. I guess, that's mostly on the M&Ms. I don't like dark chocolate, so wouldn't eat more than one in one day, or sitting, or a week...

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